Apply for a grant to attend any dance camp in North America — but do it soon! A Gainesville Old-time Dance Society (G.O.D.S.) educational grant for North Florida resident dancers, callers and musicians GRANTS AVAILABLE FOR DANCERS, CALLERS & MUSICIANS A
May 19: Alice Raibourn and Hoggetowne Fancy
Our May dance will be Friday the 19th, 7-9:30 at the Echo Pavilion at the Gainesville Health & Fitness Center. The caller is Alice Raibourn and the band is Hoggetowne Fancy.
March 17: Category Five & Jonathan King
Gainesville’s Jonathan King will be calling contra dances to the live music of Category Five
G.O.D.S. Virtual Contra Social [Sat, Mar 20, 7:00-8:45pm]
Join us for our next online G.O.D.S. Social! SETH TEPFER calling to the live music of THE COSMIC OTTERS Seth…has been calling since 1997. In that time he has called over 500 gigs and delighted dancers from 5 to 95 across
GODS Zoom Social [Sun, Feb 7, 4:00-5:45 pm]
Join us for our next online G.O.D.S. Social!
• Contras (Alice Raibourn)
• English Country Dances (Al)
• Waltzes (Diane & Dan)
• Songs & Jazz Tunes (Pete & Tamara)
9/19/20: Seth Tepfer & ReelPlay + Annual Meeting (Board Election)
The slate of nominees to the 2020-2021 G.O.D.S. Board of Directors (Steering Committee) was announced during the September 6 online (Zoom) social. The 9 nominees are: Deni Breckenridge Aerin Brown Christine Bruels Cayley Buckner Mary McClead Judy McKendrick Mike Randall Diane Schulbach Pete
9/6/2020 G.O.D.S. Online First-Sunday Social
Join us for our next G.O.D.S. Social!
•Music [Eleta & Pete Sucsy – above]
•Contra(s) [JoLaine]
•Video presentation [Dave P]
•Waltz [Eleta & Pete]
•Announce 2020-2021 G.O.D.S. Board Nominees [Trokon]
•English Country Dance [Al]
•Sharing time
•Closing serenade [Eleta & Pete]
Aug 15: Virtual contra with Seth Tepfer & ReelPlay
When: Saturday Aug 15; doors open 7:00pm EDT; live music and dance 7:30-8:45
Caller: Seth Tepfer (from Atlanta)
Band: ReelPlay (from Atlanta: Robbin Marcus on piano & percussion; Dave Marcus on concertina)
July 5: Zoom contra dance & waltz with JoLaine
Enjoy dancing and watching your friends dance, chat and socialize, get some exercise. The program consist of contra dances that are easy to do with one or two people, especially selected by our callers.
June 20: Zoom contra w/ Seth Tepfer, JoLaine and Reelplay
Florida contra dancers! Here is an exceptional opportunity to dance via Zoom to live music with TWO national contra callers: Seth Tepfer of Atlanta and our very own JoLaine of Gainesville! Join us on Saturday, June 20, for a GODS social and contra dance to live music by Reelplay
June 7: Live music & contra dance with JoLaine
Join us on Sunday, June 7, for a Gainesville Oldtime Dance Society (G.O.D.S.) social gathering from 4:00-6:00 pm on Zoom. Let’s stay connected with each other, at least virtually. All are invited and welcome! Feel free to join for all
May 3: G.O.D.S. Board Meeting on Zoom–all are welcome!
A meeting of the 2019-20 Gainesville Old-time Dance Society (G.O.D.S.) Board of Directors (aka Steering Committee) will be held on Sunday, May 3, 2020 by Zoom.