Dancing With the G.O.D.S. 2023 Cancelled*
[* normally would have been held Feb 24-26, 2023]
Thank you for attending DWTG Weekend 2020!
Dancing With the G.O.D.S. Weekend 2020 SOLD OUT.
*** Featured Talent ***
• The Dam Beavers (Ben Schreiber, Scotty Leach, Ness Smith-Savedoff)
• Contra Sutra (Dave Bartley, Ryan McKasson, Marnie Rachmiel, Ness Smith-Savedoff)
SOUND by Jamie Platt:
February 21-23, 2020 at the beautiful
Thelma A Boltin Center, 516 NE 2nd Avenue, Gainesville, FL 32601
The Historic Thomas Center, 302 NE 6th Avenue, Gainesville, FL 32601
in the Duckpond neighborhood of Gainesville.