Al Rogers

Al Rogers Memorial Dance

May 5, 2024 at the Matheson History Museum, 513 East University Avenue

Music by Coral Riff – Sarah Mitchell, Sherry Mattos and Kathie Aagaard

Contra dance with caller, JoLaine

ECD with callers Randy Thorp and Annette Merritt


This very special dance is in memory of Al Rogers, beloved dance angel who passed away in 2023. Al left a legacy to nurture the Gainesville Oldtime Dance Society, as well as other local dance groups. He wanted to encourage new and younger dancers and left money to fund trips to summer camps, dance weekends, caller’s and musicians workshops. 

Are you a dancer/caller/musician that would like to take advantage of Al’s generosity? You can apply for a grant. Winners will be announced at the Al Rogers Memorial Dance. 

Six English Country Dances at the Al Rogers Memorial Dance


This dance will be a fund raiser so that Al’s gift grows and continues for years to come. Though, as always, no one will be turned away, the suggested donation for this special dance event is $20. 

There will be a dance clothing “Swap.” Bring your “in excellent condition” dance clothes, pressed, on hangers. If you find a real treasure you want to take home, we ask that you make a donation to Al’s fund. There will be individually wrapped snacks available for a donation. Please bring your own (water bottle.

The Matheson has beautiful wood floors. Please make sure your dance shoes are soft-soled and non-marking.

• This is a friendly welcoming recreational activity
and all are welcome.
• No partner or experience is necessary.
Contra dancing is fun and we’ll teach you how.
• No special dress is required.
Wear comfortable, casual attire & soft-soled non-marking shoes.
• Smoking and/or alcoholic beverages
are not allowed at our dances.

• If you feel sick on dance night, then please stay home!
Please show care for the community
and we’ll see you next time.
Thank you for your honesty and concern
for others in our community.
• We strongly recommend that people be vaccinated and boosted
before engaging in this close, aerobic, dance activity.

Hosted by the Gainesville Oldtime Dance Society

May 5: Al Rogers Memorial Dance