When: Saturday Aug 15th 2020; doors open 7:00 pm EDT; live music and dance 7:30-8:45
Caller: Seth Tepfer (from Atlanta)
Band: ReelPlay (from Atlanta: Robbin Marcus on piano & percussion; Dave Marcus on concertina)
Link: http://contradance.link/ATLDistDance
Password: ATL
Like a dancing puppet master, Seth Tepfer enjoys “creating order from chaos”, as he uses humor, a steady voice and colorful persona to guide crowds through twirling dance patterns. Since calling his first contra dance in 1997, Seth’s services have been in growing demand; he’s logged more than five hundred appearances at dances across the U.S. and Canada, Costa Rica, the Caribbean, Denmark and England. Until corona virus struck, it was not unusual to find him booked for weekend dances up to two years before an event.
Enjoy dancing and watching your friends dance, chat and socialize, get some exercise, and enjoy good music. The program of mostly contra (and a free waltz or two) is selected by Seth to be easy to do and satisfying with one or two people. Seth will be calling mostly contra dances with a waltz after each 30-minute interval.
Reelplay is a New England-style contra dance band perversely based in Atlanta with Dave Marcus, concertina, and Robbin L Marcus on piano (and a bit of percussion) playing a mix of tunes including New England, Quebecois, bal folk, ECD, and originals. Playing in bands such as Over the Moon, ‘Round Robin, Renewable Energy and Holy Coyote, these musicians have lifted dancers’ feet and spirits for several decades. Dancers say “The music was FANTASTIC! … Great variety, fun, beautiful. … “Michael & All Angels” was touching, yet had plenty of forward motion. … Just great!!”
Doors open at 7:00 Eastern for a Zoom lesson for those who would like it and social time for those who’ve done it before. Be sure to clear out some dance space in your house, charge your device, and come on down (virtually, of course) to enjoy this dance and community event. Dancing starts at 7:30 with the last waltz at 8:45, and the hall will remain open for another 15 minutes for chitchat and farewells. Note: Seth likes to use gender-free calling (larks and robins).
6:45 pm Sound check – band goes to a breakout room with Seth
7:00 – 7:30 – social time for attendees, band and callers will join when sound check is over.
7:30 – 8:00 pm Contra dances – Seth
8:00 – 8:15 Waltz – Waltz music by Reelplay – break 5-7 minutes
8:15 – 8:45 Contra dances – Seth
8:50 – 9:00 Waltz- chat and close